
**其實也是個巧合啦~~ 我本來也只是在網路上去找找看有沒有相關文章~~ 順便想在電腦重新安裝 Windows Live Writer,結果居然看到令人興奮的消息~~~ **

> > Thank you to everyone who tried out the beta releases of Writer over the last year and gave us feedback. Over 1.5 million of you downloaded our [last beta release](!D85741BB5E0BE8AA!1421.entry), and your input helped make Writer the product it is today. > >

適用一下~~ 發現Movable Type 2.6 也能夠正確的引用樣式(template),讓你在編輯的時候可以看到及時的樣式編排~~ 算是一個大創舉,當然~ 之前的大BUG~~

> > 发生服务器错误 Client (BLOG Server Error) "Server Error Client Occurred" QXBwbGljYXRpb24gZmFpbGVkIGR1cmluZyByZXF1ZXN0IGRlc2VyaWFsaXphd > > > > GlvbjoganVuayAn77u/JyBiZWZvcmUgWE1MIGVsZW1lbnQK > >

也順利的解決了~~~~ 真是太棒了~ 大家來看看吧!!!

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