Perl2EXE is a very useful program when you try to translate your PERL code to a execute file without PERL environment.

There should be noted if you happen the same problem.

  1. Active PERL need install:
    Although we try to use Perl2EXE to translate PERL to execute file. We still need PERL runtime environment in the compiler machine. (Don’t need for running machine).

  2. Make sure Active PERL version is pair with your Perl2EXE
    For example if you use Perl2Exe V7.02 for Win32 , you must use Perl 5.8.0, Perl 5.6.1, Perl 5.6.0 and Perl 5.005 which Active PERL version is ActivePerl Perl 5.8.0 Build 806. Or you may get error as follow:

Perl2Exe V8.60 Copyright (c) 1997-2005 IndigoSTAR Software
Registered to evan:kkdai:20080010, ENT version
Converting ‘’ to sample.exe


Which I use Perl2EXE V8.8 but I don’t have Active Perl 5.88

After I switch to Perl2EXE V8.6 and using Active PERL 5.86. It work as follows:

Perl2Exe V8.60 Copyright (c) 1997-2005 IndigoSTAR Software
Registered to evan:kkdai:20080010, ENT version
Converting ‘’ to sample.exe


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